Notebook of New Video Game Ideas:
Book Seven
Adam Jeremy Capps
Notebook of New Video Game Ideas: Book Seven
Adam Jeremy Capps
Public Domain
Here you will find more than 300 ideas to include in any new game, for free. These are not synopsis ideas (not the basis for a game) but are element based. This is a new public domain book and the seventh in its series. The previous six are also of free use and in the public domain. They can be found free as ebooks on various sites, through an easy search. In fact they work great as far as ebooks go. Use of this book is anonymous. “It’s a secret to everybody.” Hope you enjoy my ideas and put them to use!
Adam Jeremy Capps.
My seventh book of ideas is finished. It’s a little rough around the edges but I consider it a work of art. It is slightly misnumbered but in a positive way (more pages, not some missing numbers.) There’ll be more to come. FInd them free online. I have also written a few other things based on game making, they can be found online under my name: Adam Jeremy Capps.
Thanks for reading/ purveying.