4th September 1941
I am a pensioner for years, although I remained active as before. Originally I was interested in some humane occupation, such as arts or commander on a seagoing ship, but for some reasons I applied for entry at the Technical University, where I did get access. My luck backed me up and my affinity for ships could be satisfied: I got entry to the Shipbuilding Branch of Vehicle Engineering Department and even in my diploma it is entered.
I like history, as well as natural sciences. I am a great hiker, but always stay on the safe side, no mountaineering, cave exploration and the like. My family takes the first place in my thoughts, and I can appreciate true friendship as well. I like photography, both on film and digital. In my life I made about four thousand photographs. Some litarary activity I also have, both professional and public, it can be viwed on my website.