Robert Shroud Profile

I could regale you with a biography which would include snippets of my life. I could highlight for you over forty years of both accomplishments and failures. Well, maybe not failures. I’ve never read an ‘about the author’ that included falling out of a tree in their youth. I have no grandiose yarns to spin here. I am just a guy who has always wanted to be a writer. I have been writing off and on since the age of twelve. What I want to do more than anything is concentrate on delivering you, the reader, quality works. If I can do that, then I believe over time you will come to know more about me than you ever wanted to.
Robert Shroud.
I live in the city, but prefer the wilderness. I workout regularly, but love my little sweet treats. I enjoy cheese Danish, but don’t like Danish cheese. I am a writer, but sometimes wrong. All things Spring, Fall, and Winter are welcome. Summer? My least favorite. I’m silly, witty, shy, overt, and ofttimes have my tongue firmly planted in cheek. What am I? An indie author, of course. Download and rate my free ebook, Irony, Book 1 - The Animal, and if you’re really feeling frisky, purchase and review one of my other offerings to support indie books.