Chronology of the New-World Order
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Since the beginning of time GOD (YHVH ) is in the process of creating for HIMSELF an own people, a holy nation born from above (Rev 1:6; 1Pet 2:9-10) in HIS image (Col 3:10) and likeness (1Cor 15:49), a family HE can name (Heb.: Shem) after HIMSELF, a spiritual house-hold that will cling to HIS WORD, having the Anointing in them (Col 3:11). The obedient and faithful follower of Jesus Christ is the spiritual offspring of Abraham, a child of the promise, grafted into the vine of Jisra'el and part of the New Jerusalem; according to Eph 3:14-15 the whole family is called by HIS name or named by HIM; their citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20).Even though, YAHWEH is the CREATOR of the heavens, the earth and the sea, and everything that is in it, HE has given every earthling the free ....