Another version of Flying Dutchman legend. This one involved the captain's son and his never-ending quest to release his father from the God's punishment. Usual lots of pirates, treasures, adventures, shipwrecks and supernatural. Even a bit of Inquisition thrown in for good measure. But nothing to...
The Legend of the glorious adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegel in the Land of Flanders and elsewhere. As an envisagement of the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition this very anti-Catholic book is probably without parallel.
A young boy helps the Red Army fight the bourgeoisie. After being betrayed, he’s captured and tortured, but takes a secret to his grave.
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis are but successors to William Morris. Tale of quest, adventure, magic and war set in an invented age and in the invented world of the author's own imagination. Lots of very old-fashioned archaic English.
This is a delightful story about dragons, suitable for reading to young children. Adventures and lessons abound.
This is a sentimental fairy tale written by Marion St. John Webb. It features young children in the most unusual yet fun flying shop.
This clever fairytale adventure takes place inside a British mailbox. You would never guess what goes on in there.
Set in an old British boarding school, viewed as a prison, this humorous fairytale adventure is a forgotten classic.
This charming Victorian fairytale has a woman protagonist and is suitable of young people of all ages - and the young at heart.
In this fairy tale, the wind is personified and holds great sway over Austria's Treasure Valley. Two elders take on a dangerous challenge.