Un grupo de estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades y orígenes se encuentran en un viaje inesperado hacia la amistad, el autodescubrimiento y el poder transformador del baile urbano. Cada uno carga con sus propias historias, sueños y desafíos, pero es su pasión compartida por la danza lo que...
"Astrology's Present Moment" is like no other perspective in astrology today. Every sign is explored through its present-moment awareness potential as a condition toward awakening realization experience. Its foundation is the exclusive use of the semi-septile, septile, bi-septile, and tri-septile...
Stop letting doubt steal your potential and start thriving today! Every limiting belief is a wall you can break down. What if the only thing standing between you and success is your mindset? Imagine breaking free from the chains of your own mind—what could you achieve? Many people hold onto...
Seit Anbeginn der Zeit ist GOTT (YHVH) ) dabei, für SICH ein eigenes Volk zu schaffen, eine heilige Nation, die von oben geboren wurde (Offb 1,6; 1Petr 2,9-10) nach SEINEM Bild (Kol 3,10) und Gleichnis (1Kor 15,49), eine Familie, die ER nach SICH SELBST benennen kann (hebr.: Sem), ein geistlicher...
Since the beginning of time GOD (YHVH ) is in the process of creating for HIMSELF an own people, a holy nation born from above (Rev 1:6; 1Pet 2:9-10) in HIS image (Col 3:10) and likeness (1Cor 15:49), a family HE can name (Heb.: Shem) after HIMSELF, a spiritual house-hold that will cling to HIS...
Notebook of New Video Game Ideas: Book 9, a handwritten and illustrated book containing more than 200 ideas for anyone to use in a new video game. No credit needed. This is a public domain book.
A doudecet of short stories set in the city by the bay.
Gemäss dem apokryphen Nicodemus-Evangelium (alias "Pilatus-Akten") soll die Himmelfahrt Jesu Christi sich am "Berg Mamilch" ereignet haben. Dieser wird allerdings NUR dort erwähnt! Doch warum finden wir so viele "Mamilch" in der Schweiz, zumal ganz nahe beim (Pontius) Pilatus? Also dem bekannten...
Moments of passion happen suddenly, with an emotional undercurrent and a connection beyond explanation. It is something primal and unforgettable. In my writing, I capture the essence and fantasies of real women, and I bring their dreams to life. I hope you enjoy this first volume.
Some of the biggest things come in small packages. This is a tale that starts after I was adrift in space in an escape pod. I land on a planet that seems to be devoid of sentient life, as we know it. It is a tale of rescue, battles and gaining a family. Oppressed vs. oppressors, who will win...